Friendly Fire Software Balance Patch
Filip Mikulić
Friday, October 11, 2024
Explore the new enhancements in our app — bigger rewards, simplified quests, and a more balanced quests.
We're rolling out a software update that fine-tunes our rewards system, making your gaming experience even more rewarding.
What’s New:
Enhanced Chest System: The probability of receiving coins from chests has been increased from 66% to 75%. While the smallest prizes have been reduced, the biggest reward is now 2.5 times greater! Plus, the likelihood of snagging the smallest coin reward has been dramatically reduced by 80%, and your chances of landing a medium prize have doubled.
Potions Adjusted: Minor tweaks have been made to potions, ensuring a better balance, though these changes aren’t significant.
Simplified Daily Quests: We’ve streamlined daily quests to one simple mission: "Win with a friend." Now, any game you win while playing with someone from the gaming house will earn you rewards—making every victory sweeter.
Fairer Farming: We've also addressed some obscure methods of farming coins, ensuring a more balanced and fair system for earning in-game rewards.
We're committed to continuously improving your gaming experience by listening to your feedback and making adjustments. Let us know your impressions!